Monday, June 23, 2008 @ 6:53:00 PM
Old Stuff
i was cleaning up my study desk.
so i decided to find some old stuff to look at.
i flip through the old pics i had on racial harmony and primary sch class pic.
think of those cool days..
took some of the collective i collected below.
and a veri interesting contract wif nicholas.
Test Tube Malt Sugar.
My 2nd brother,jim,brought it frm Taiwan.
find it cool so i took a few pictures.
find it cool so i took a few pictures.
its was a note i wrote while i was sec1 or 2 ba.
i find it super childish so i took a picture of it.
its was written lyk tis:
its was written lyk tis:
If nicholas say out anything about who i lyk,
$20 not need to pay up still needed to pay me $10.
*Signed By Kehan*
The donation i made.
Digimon Plastic collectable cards.
Quite alot though=P

Digimon Plastic collectable cards.
Quite alot though=P
The Movies i had watched,These are the movie ticket butts.
Here is the List of Show i watched:
Golden Village:
SuperHero Movie - 29/04/08
The Myth - 1/10/05
The Village - 6/8/04
The Eye 10 - 26/3/05
Kungfu Hustle - 27/12/04
Hitch - 05/3/05
White Noise - 26/2/05
New Police Story - 02/10/04
Around the World in 80days - 20/6/04
CELLO - 04/11/05
i not stupid too - 06/2/06
ChickenLittle(Mandrin) - 30/44/05
The Matrix Revolution - 06/11/03
Boogeyman - 12/3/05
Fearless - 29/1/06
DeathNote - 20/10/06
DeathNote 2: The Last Name - 30/12/06
Alone - 03/8/07
Secret - 16/8/07
Alvin and the Chipmunks - 12/12/07
Men in White - 11/6/07
Pirates of the Caribean 3:The Whole End - 27/5/07
Spiderman3 - 06/5/07
The Messengers - 10/3/07
CJ7 - 06/2/08
The House - 30/1/08
Body #19 - 06/1/08
One Missed Call - 12/1/08
Sweeney Todd - 08/2/08
The Forbidden Kingdom - 23/4/08
Made of Honour - 25/5/08
Century Cinlex:
Death Note(Encore) - 03/01/07
Mr Bean's Holiday - 23/3/07
Ghost Rider - 16/2/07
Wild Hogs - 19/4/07
Miss Congeniality - 26/3/05
i not stupid too - 23/02/07
Shaw Theatres:
Fantastic Four:Rise of Silver Surfer - 16/6/07
EngWah CineMas
Fred Claus - 23/11/07
Shutter - Date Unknown.
Bedok Princess!:
Xmen3:The Last Stand - 3/6/06
Xmen3:The Last Stand - 3/6/06
Pirates of the Caribean2:The Dead Man's Chest - 29/7/06
Star Wars Episodes3 - 21/5/05
The Best Bet - 15/6/04
The Cathay:
L Change the World - 23/2/08
The Happening - 14/6/08
Kungfu Dunk - 14/2/08
Shattered - 04/2/08