Tuesday, June 17, 2008 @ 10:27:00 PM
Workin place
Wah,The Show started at 10.30am.
But me,Bauntong,Engteck reached at 8.30am.
Cool rite?!XD
The whole purposes of the work was to carry some
billboards and advertise boards around,
to promote the product:NuviFone of Garmin.
I had been walkin frm 11am-5.45pm.
My leg is DAMN tired and ACHING lyk Hell.
not trining but is achey.
But for the money of 85bucks a day.
its WORTH it!!!
Saturday i gonna go hav fun!
Tis is wat i had to carry on a metal pole to walk around.

This is the sandwitch im wearing to advertise the product.