feels like i'm falling and i,
i'm lost in your eyes

Wednesday, June 11, 2008 @ 10:58:00 PM
Basketball Games
Went our Clique usual basketball place agn.
Had a few matches.
i suck lyk fk today lor.
totally man.
Shoot how many,missed how many.
Juz got the song "Cry-By Rihana" frm my Gayie.
i wanna take tat song long ago le.
cuz tat song totally had tat feelings towards me.
i love the song totally!!
cuz the feeling givin to me is tat its totally EMO and juz lyk my Life.
i dun cry infront of ppl.
cuz the pain is undescrible.
After the game went home to slp for lyk 2hours or smth?
then went dwn to 121 to find jero n Bauntong.
After tat went to the usual Clique slackin place,CarParky.
Talk alot of cock,laughed lyk fkin hell lars.
Love it.
Love my Clique.
But somtimes get sooo emo.
Couple gets so sweet tgt,but the one i loved so much doesnt love me back.
couples get tgt around me,but love juz doesnt comes to me.
i tried alot of times,failed alot of times.
im sick of it.
i think i gonna be lyk Nick ba,
Be a GAY!!
and wat my gayie says,
Being a GAY is the Best~!