feels like i'm falling and i,
i'm lost in your eyes

Saturday, January 5, 2008 @ 12:59:00 PM
A day of Pain.A Thousand words to say.
It hurts.Why does God play wif my feelings?
i wish i was nv born.
Liane had once told me tat Lovin is Pain,Lovin is Fun.
But i always doesnt hav the Fun but Pain.
Last yr i juz get over u.Nw i am confuse.
Crying so deep inside me.
i ducked myself into activities to forget u.
it takes me 3months.
but still cant.
Nw i duunoo to forget or to juz live as i am?
i had a fight ytd wif my parents.
they are juz ppl who dun cares feelings.
they dun understand me.
no one does.
Liane.The Promise i giv u,i cant keep.
as i am alr a Dead Person in Love.
i am senseless and Useless.
Maybe i am juz not gd enuff for her?
wish she could find someone better?
or maybe i shld juz dissappear frm tis world?
i dun noe wat to do?
i left BD group to spend more time wif u.
as i noe if i commited to BD,i am sure to be there every hour in holidays.
AhXiong brought me bak in a few weeks ago.
but i still din go.i had no interest.
BD had its memories.
i doesnt wanna touch it bak.
Liane is the first person i loved wif my heart.
i nv thought tat i will touch my heart for another person anymore.
but she came into the picture.
things change.but it also leaves me memories and hurts.
Everything i had to blame myself.
i am Numb to Love.
I dun wan anymore Love to be found le.
God Please Kill Me.
if not i might do it myself:)