Tuesday, January 1, 2008 @ 1:24:00 PM
GoodBye 2007
31/12/2007 de Posty

The Wind Blows Pass,Blown away 2007 and comes 2008.
Lovely Begining of 2008,Sweet Ending Of 2007.
Ytd 31/12/2007.
Meet Chek,Cyrus,William at ChekHse to go meet my
Dar who was working at Marina Square de Mac.
Then Went over by Bus21 to HaigRoad to Change Bus70 to Suntec.
Walk Walk Walk Through Mountains and Sea(craps)
then Reach MarinaSqure.
Saw My Dar Sooo Busy Serving Customer.
HeartAche to see her sooo Stress and Tiring.
We guys waited outside the Mac where the fireworks can be seen.
11pm le..My Dar haven finish Workin nehs.
The Manager doesnt wanna Let her Out..Grrrr.
but she was out abt 11.40pm.
12am.The FireWork Started.A Feelin of Uneasy came.
Makin my Dar Felt the Same.
But i promise such things wont affect us agn.
or affect of relationship ever agn.
ily Dar.
I tried to get bak on feet and make Dar happy:)
We walked to Espalande for a breezy Seating area.
then went for Supper at a Nearby HockerCentre.
i think is called Lao Pa Sha.
The Drink stall Out of Stock alot of Drinks.
Tried to Find Pokka Green Tea in Cheers.
Cant Find it T.T
i think the last one Brought by LaoPa.hahax.
Then Dar's Daddy came to fetch Dar,Cheryl,Jerina Home lorx.
>.< *Misses*
Then We went bak to the breezy area to slack till first train.
everyone was crazy ard cuz calvin came bak frm Paris.
5days haven seen him alot to talk abt ma.
hahax.Crazy Laopa keep Di sao everyone ard.
hahax.Fun day lorx.
it had been long seen i had been able to had such fun wif frens.
and i able to spend the last minute of 2007 wif My Dar.
i am happy alr.Felt Useless lorx.
Dun dare to do wat Chek do hahax.
Till now i still cant get over my silent sideT.T
Idiot.Dear ♥ Dar.Sotong
LeoN ♥ Donnis
Idiot.Dear ♥ Dar.Sotong
LeoN ♥ Donnis