Friday, May 16, 2008 @ 11:08:00 AM
Dad had Left.
I had nth else i can say out of my mouth.
i dunno wat to do.
2 days of adam khoo's workshop,my parents had split apart.
2 days wifout being at home,damaged is produced.
2 days cost me my Life.
Tis morning i decided not to go sch as i wanna noe wats happening!
my dad tis morning left wif a suitcase.
Leaving a Note:
Tats wat he heart abit ache and abit confused.
why does it always had to happening on my life?
is it retribution? i cant take it sometimes,
feel lyk screaming out so loud tat everyone could hears.
but i cant,cuz it may affects others and myself.
Be4 Liane left,she said to live cheerfully no matter wat.
and i always broke my promises,but tis one i had to keep it.
i hurts alot,plenty,much.
but its realli not wat i wanted to.
my mind is swirling around wif my feelings.
its hard for me to control.
im tired.
i cant avoid it when it come.
so i can onli control it to be emo,Stop speakin,Stop interacting till
those feelings for tat person is gone.
im indeed acting emo to throw every feelings away.
The One whom i Love,doesnt Love me.
The One i onli Juz Lyks,Loves Me.
its hurts to say goodbye,but i hav to.
to stop it be4 is too late.
Life Goes On,On and On