Saturday, September 22, 2007 @ 2:36:00 PM
Day oF RotteninG.NOT~
Fun Fun Fun.Ytd went out wif my old sch fren pals.everyone were jokin lyk hell,makin every laughs and had a great time.i love it went andrew is ard as the atmosphere is always so fun and cheerfulish.
There Was Cyrus,Jacqueline,Kimberly,KrisTan & Andrew.
Okay the funny thing is tat Jac Dun rmb who is Andrew,Kim dun rmb Kris and everyone was lyk Who are u!!Do i noe u?!!Haha.
At first i meet up wif cyrus on the bedok mrt station platform.W8in for a hour+ for andrew then kris came..We had a long chat over there.Next was Jac,Who keep tryin to recall who is andrew.hahax
Then was Kim,While we are on the train everyone was chit chatin everywhere.
Kris n i had nt contact for a long time le.It had been 4yrs since i last met him..
Tats a credit to andrew who called him out=P
So we went to marina bay for a dinner at zhengfa.Pretty Crowded but its still okay.
We had Fun eatin and photo takin session was held.everyone was feelin happy i am not i?=P
So long nv hav such feelins of togetherness=P After eatin me and cyrus went to hav a few rounds of parapara.=P
Then Everyone went home.By MRT,of cuz.Andrew Drop off at payalebar.Kris Drop at Kembangan..and all others drop off at Eunos.
After tat was abt 12.05am when we reach ard my hse de bus stop.
hahax.Then send Jac home.ChitChating under void deck till 1.30am.
then went home.Was waitin for jac's call but horr while w8in i saw those borin show makin me more and more sianz and came slpy and gong gong de.=P
If i say anythin unneccessary Sry Jac=P hahax
So Tats all.Tata~
Today at home frm 9am till now stickin to com.done the washin of my uniform and preparin to go to marina bay wif old sch pals.Havin dinner and chitchat over the dinner..Tats wats i am planin to do ltr.but no signs of their replies.Scary.
@@ they cant make it in the end? doesnt wanna go? or family Affairs?
*Sign* No replies,Nobody noes..they juz kept silence wifout a words....
RotteninG and was Borin Borin Borin Borin laRs...
Continue ltr after the dinner ba,Promise u guys pictures..
Oh~ there Will be PICS~!!=P