Saturday, September 22, 2007 @ 9:00:00 AM
7am wake up to have breakfast wif my mum and dad in the market.another sux day,my mum&dad realli sux.but i din complain.all i do was juz ignore them or talk to them wif a fkin attitude.
_l_ SUCKY DAYS _l_
Sianz sianz sianz..tat day was actually fun fun fun..but after smth happen(cyrus and william will noe wat)..i no feelin le.Started be cone EMO~Totally sucky day.
I suddendly think to the past wif Liane..those days were sweet but posionous. Once over the memories Remains..It Hurts after u Left.
My Family dun care me le.Frens is Tat Sweet and Kind to me.But no one will understands me..After we Went to the pasa malam..others went to GelangSeraiCC to play Sparklers(which cost me police report) and few rounds of basketball.
Then Me,Shang,Tat,Astria went to KFC for dinner and went to get ZhiHui to go home.EMO~
After tat we were seperated,leavin me,shang,zhihui..they took bus,i walk home.
Aloned.Tis feelin is wat u given me after u left me.But i love tis feelin as its wat u had last few things u given me...