Monday, August 13, 2007 @ 6:13:00 PM
The SettleR'sCafe

Its a Fun Fun Fun Place to be at...=P
we had a lot of laughters,fun and Mind Dripplin actions=P haha
We had boards games,Free-Flow oF drinks and most imptly the jokes and actions we had share,its totally fun wif IceTea and LeoLeo Jokin Ard..:P
Frm Pic..Frm Left btm(Zhihui,TeriYaki,DanDan,Stellycia,JasonTitan)
Frm Top Left(IceTea,LeoN,FunnySnow,Jasmne,LeoLeo)
11/08 Fun Fun Fun Place plus wif tis bunch its a Mind Blowin Experience:P:P:P