feels like i'm falling and i,
i'm lost in your eyes

Sunday, December 17, 2006 @ 1:41:00 AM

Everyone was funny,wild and crazy over there...hahax
i was not in either of the pic becuz i was the one takin it :P if not who...
we had a god damn great time and i will nv forget it hahax...Peace and Contact 4ever....that pic was accidnetally being taken and the pose was nice _-¯-_ the height i mean..hahax...2nd pic we are all crazy hahax..BBQ at EC was fun but the lights muz improve lar..hahax,,we tong over nite at the bedok jetty..we went on a fishing tour,but we caught all small fished =.=lll sibei ps,,on a sudden a chio bu came by us lending plain water to wash hand..got her number not bad for me hahax...i being dumped tis might be a greate chance for me to restore confidence on Love again...LeonBurNs!