feels like i'm falling and i,
i'm lost in your eyes

Sunday, January 4, 2009 @ 2:06:00 AM
blood types
("Hang the Painting" Why are you still not doing it?)
("its okay lar")
(Lather then do.."finish your work!!" )
(Where is this fellow!!)
(*Rushing x2* - "Sorry - Both of you have waited so long...)
("Always so late...!!!" "Your life must have been a rust at all times")
("Hmmm..The Train - was Jammed" "SHUT UP!" "phone call:where are you everyone are already here...")
("WHAT?!? Still at home?? why are not out of the house yet??")
("Aiyo - I really want to stay at home..." " What the...Come out quick!!")
(What Happend? Why? What you doing? Why is he like that??)
(Dont you think There's some weird creature living inside thre?)
(Hmmm...they went away because of me??)
("So Disgusting!!" B Type strength,are also their weakness - talk straight to the point
Same thinking as the others,but must say it out no matter what - blood type B)