Wednesday, August 13, 2008 @ 4:40:00 PM
Made tat out of bordem.
now our class is totally hot abt DJmax.
abit too slow? =P hahahahax
but im into it too~ hahahax
But tis made me think back too.
and titsy remind me of some one too.
u noe wat?
Adonis is a volcabuary word meaning a very handsome young man.
and titsy says "Hey Leon,veri familiar hor?"
This sentence kept me thinking,emo and silence.
Plus wif the on going of DJmax-ing.
it makes me go into deep thoughts.
and im glad to be back tgt once agn.
im sry tat i took dwn the pic cuz im out of anger.=)
My artwork wif PeaceTea Bottles.

Artwork done by Sister Grace at my room's WhiteBoard.