Monday, July 21, 2008 @ 3:52:00 PM
Racial Harmony 08
Racial Harmony 08

My Family!XD
ShangYi n Teri
LaoMa,Me n Teri

LaoPa n My Brother
Teri n Me

LaoMa,HuiXin,Kiwi n LaoPa

The Geek in Leon

Me wif HuiXin.
The Geeks XD

Shocked Face agn~ *.* hahaXD

Sister Lurb!
Shang,Titsy,Me n Presley
The Pharaoh wif the Air Stewdress

Shang wif Titsy

Shang and Titsy,The Gayness in Them~!

Me and Titsy!
Presley,Me,Titsy.Being Raped >.<
Justin Timblerlake got SexyBack,We got Sexy Leg! hahaXD

Shang,Titsy n Me