feels like i'm falling and i,
i'm lost in your eyes

Friday, December 14, 2007 @ 10:01:00 PM
My Love.
Today was felt abit sianz plus abit guai guai de.
cuz my brother and futuer inlaw had a fighty.
then they all veri not happy.
sooo troublesome lorrxxx.
Went to airport to fetch Donnis home.
theres Jerina,Donnis,Cheryl,Jerina'sBrother.
And William and Shang.
juz tokin cock all the WAY.
then when eva i saw her makes me feel cheerful and
less emo:):):)
Then after sendin them home..
went to Bishan-Junction8 to find Chek,Cyrus,Joan.
But it ended up they que for a sight of luo zhi xiang.
we had ice-cream at mac then went home le lorxx.
chatted wif donnis online.
but found out smth makin me felt uncomfortable and sad.
but will the endings will be bad for me agn?
i myself dunno.
juz Love U too Much.~